In this issue - red

This semester my students created QUOTE SANDWICHES to make their writing more LEGIT. More CREDIBLE. Their background and analysis provided their writing with more context. What was going on at the time the words were spoken? Who said what? Why? Why would these words be important to their readers? To see samples of their work, we invite you to Jay's Mexicali GRAND OPENING -- Hot Dog and Quote Sandwich Stand.

Quote sandwich - jay's Quote sandwich stand

Here is JAY'S SECRET RECIPE for our QUOTE SANDWICH: STEP ONE: Introduce your quote. Give some background. Tell us Who, Where, When… What’s going on?
STEP TWO: Use a signal phrase or reporting verb to introduce the quote (admits, believes, argues, suggests, points out, denies, insists, asserts, emphasizes, thinks…)
STEP THREE: Explain it. What does your quote have to do with the purpose of your discussion. * BELOW I serve up Sample Student Quote Sandwiches taken from their Semester Essays.

Cesar chavez - voice of the people

Cesar Chavez led the first successful farm workers union in American History. He achieved dignity, respect, fair wages, medical coverage, humane living conditions. Cesar Chavez was looked up to by many Hispanic and latinos for being a voice for them. The Chicano Movement took place between 1965 and 1975. This was one of the largest civil right empowerment movements. It was also the largest movement by Mexican descent. Cesar Chavez took a stand for farm workers because he had also faced being an underpaid farm worker. Along with being underpaid they were not able to afford housing. The housing the farm workers did have was crowded and unsanitary. In the article "The Story of Cesar Chavez" the author states, "Cesar was willing to sacrifice his own life so that the union would continue and that violence was not used" ( This shows how much Cesar Chavez wanted change for his community of chicanos. It was not just something he wanted for him. It was something he wanted to accomplish for all chicanos regardless of what it took. Cesar Chavez was dedicated to making a change for his community. He wanted to have a peaceful movement with out any violence. He dedicated his life to fighting for better working wages and conditions, using nonviolent protest and boycotts to bring attention to the cause. His efforts made significant changes to the lived of farm workers, improving their lives.

Alissa Padilla (English 1A) from her film history reseach paper, "El Movimiento: The Chicano Embrace of Cultural Identity and Civil Rights"

Quote sandwich - dylan - weightlifting siblings

In my household, it is me, my brother, my parents, and my twin sister. Me and my twin sister have shown our dedication to the gym consistently for about a year as of today and we do what we can to support each other and hold each other accountable if we don't show up or if we start eating badly. After we graduated from high school, we both gained a lot of weight because in our minds it was our time to relax and enjoy everything. It affected us mentally because we knew we could do so much better. My sister Jadyn encourages me to keep going because she is smaller than me since she does more cardio. While we work out people always ask her how her muscles get so lean and big and in her dumb way of explaining it she always says, “Lift bigger get bigger.” In my head it’s such a funny phrase but it makes so much sense because you have to work hard and lift heavier in order to get bigger and stronger. Even though getting bigger isn’t everyone’s goal, it’s a helpful step as you get farther into working out to see your efforts. Despite all the hardships, working out has made such an impact in my life, I have been able to make new friends, lose weight, build muscle, and build my confidence overall. There are days I don’t want to continue and days I don’t feel good enough , but it has shown me to be determined and work for my goals because in the end all the hard work I put in will show and although I’m not where I want to be yet, the journey to get there is more rewarding than anything.

Dylan Jardon (English 201) - from her definition essay, "Sculpting Myself"

John gilbert - vintage

Damien Chazelle's film Babylon serves as an interesting display of the remodeling stages of sound, the types of material that worked best with sound, and the evolution of set protocols. Jordan Riefe, a journalist from the Los Angeles Times, lightly brushes upon the connection between the film and the silent film era. The film’s characters are said to be inspired by real silent film actors. Riefe mentions Jack Conrad who is heavily inspired by John Gilbert, a famous silent film star whose career ended after the introduction of talkies. Although many people believe his voice is what destroyed his career, the journalist feels that wasn’t the issue; he admits, “Most likely, studio honchos saw an opportunity to cut loose an actor with a fat contract...” ("The Truth behind 'Babylon'"). This can mean that perhaps the end of John Gilbert’s career shouldn’t have ended so quickly. Perhaps the reason why all his movies floundered at the box office isn’t just because he failed to adapt to the new film format, maybe studios decided to cut him off because they wanted younger actors. Riefe expressed that perhaps Gilbert’s poor acting skills weren’t entirely at fault especially because at the time, the film industry was insanely corrupted. Talkies became a more famous and newer phenomenon; they most likely grabbed the attention of other upcoming and younger actors. This could be used to support the different theories that people have about John Gilbert, silent films, and the film industry during the Golden Age.

Celeste Garibay (English 110) - from her film history research paper, "The Impact of Talkies on Silent Star John Gilbert: The End of an Era and a Career"

Suzette g - surfing - quote sandwich - flipped

I’m a creature of routine. I’m also a creature of ritual, schedules, and habits. I like to start each month/week/day with a clear list of priorities and deadlines. I prefer knowing well in advance when any disruptions may come — partly so that I can work myself up into an anxious fluster and partly so I can plan for said disruption accordingly. I guess you could say I like spontaneity that I’ve planned for — spontaneity within a framework. In the past two long years, when COVID hit, we’ve all been reminded just how fragile these lives of ours are. Everything is always changing. Nothing remains static. “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf,'' says Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. You can find this quote in his book Wherever You Go, There You Are. Kabat-Zinn argures challenges and difficulties in life are inevitable, much like the continuous waves in the ocean; however, the wisdom lies in learning how to navigate and cope with these challenges, similar to surfing on the waves. He suggests adopting a mindful approach to facing life's ups and downs. In essence, Kabat-Sinn encourages mindfulness, resilience, and a constructive attitude towards life's inevitable challenges. He suggests that, while we cannot control the difficulties that come our way, we can control how we respond to them. We can develop our own sense of empowerment and self-determination.

Suzette Gallardo (English 201) - from her definition essay, "Stressed Out: Unraveling Chronic Stress"

Glossary of terms - dictionary image

JAY'S DEFINITION ESSAY PROJECT: WAIT! Below, I share a few student definition essays from English 201. Students were asked to do the following: a.) clearly present their terms; b.) state the general class it belongs; express the specific/special characteristics that distinguish it from other terms in the same class. To see student work, please click on the links below.

Dylan - storme - wode - snip - revised

In 1969, Stormé DeLarverie was a butch lesbian who was a patron at the well-known gay bar Stonewall Inn. During this time, having same-sex relations or cross-dressing was considered illegal. Police ended up raiding the bar and aggressively trying to put Stormé under arrest where she was known as ‘throwing the first punch’ since the cop punched her and later bashed her on the back of the head as she yelled at the crowd to do something. This moment enraged the pride community but also encouraged onlookers to get involved and help out by fighting back and potentially creating the catalyst for gay rights liberation. Years later a reporter wanted to figure out who was at the start of this movement and discovered it to be Stormé DeLarverie. She claims, “That was no riot, everybody said it was a right but it was a disobedience and when they started fighting back it was a rebellion”("A Stormé Life" 3:36). DeLarverie’s words spoke louder and clearly explained the movement as a whole because their actions were violent at first but turned into peaceful but loud protests. Although she fought back, she did it out of pure defense and it wasn't a riot because yes people were angry but they only fought against the police force to protect themselves and others and protested to gain their freedom and rights to be who they are freely. For years, members of the LGBT community were oppressed for their lifestyle and social life and were beaten and arrested for publicly displaying these harmless actions that were hurting no one but closed-minded people and their beliefs. People within the community don't want to fight but are forced to with their words and voice to be given their basic rights. .

Dylan Jardon (English 201) - from her Sixties Reserch Paper, "The Stonewall Riots: A Prideful Revolution"

Bus stop - princeton university

By the end of the play Bus Stop, Cherrie and Bo have made amends. Bo took the initiative and apologized to Cherrie for forcefully dragging her across state lines. Cherrie accepts his apology and surprises everyone with what she does next. . Throughout the play, Bo has been showing his adoration towards Cherrie but was frustrated when she wasn’t reciprocating the same energy. She was tired of him, to say the least. After running around trying to avoid him and even buying a ticket to leave town just for someone to take you somewhere else, you could say she was somewhere she didn't want to be. I’d say Cherie is a saint for not downright beating this man. But she doesn’t, she accepts his apology and gives him a kiss goodbye. Grace says, “It don’t look like he was molesting her now” (Inge). This comes off as a crude comment especially in regards to Cherrie’s situation, but it’s honest. Bo had been very pushy from the start so seeing him share a tender kiss with Cherrie -consensually- was probably refreshing. It was their first slow, real, and passionate kiss. It showed Bo’s personal growth as well as Cherrie’s honest forgiveness. She would later want to accompany Bo back to his ranch in Montana and make him the happiest man alive by marrying him.

Andrea Santoyo (English 1A) - from her reading of the play Bus Stop

Quote sandwich - marilyn monroe - wide angle

When Marilyn Monroe was only 16 years old, she had to live in many different foster care homes. Marilyn ended up marrying James Dougherty really early on June 19, 1942. James never knew that much about Marilyn Monroe. At the time, her name was Norma Jean and she wasn’t a huge Hollywood star yet. James met Marilyn when he was working a late night shift at Lockheed Aircraft. He knew of Marilyn since his family were neighbors with her caretakers during that time. Marilyn’s caretakers at the foster home, Grace and Erwin “Doc” Goddard, wanted to move from California and move back to West Virginia. This meant that Marilyn would be sent back to another orphanage or foster home. James came up with the idea of marriage in order to prevent her from getting sent back into a foster home again. However, he went along with this idea since it made him look good as the guy who is saving a young beautiful girl. It makes me think about whether he really did have any love for her. Marilyn must have felt very alone and insecure. “My relationship with him was basically insecure from the first night I spent alone with him,” Marilyn wrote in a hand-written memoir. “I was greatly attracted to him as one of the [“only” is crossed out] few young men I had no sexual repulsion for besides which it gave me a false sense of security to feel that he was endowed with more overwelming qualities which I did not possess” ( Since she married him pretty early I am sure she has mixed feelings about their whole relationship and how they got married. Marilyn has always struggled with her personal insecurities. She never really knew what love was supposed to look like. Marilyn probably felt that she needed to seek validation within her relationships. She always feared that she’d be abandoned or replaced by someone better. She knew that part of her attraction came from a false sense of security. Marilyn believed that James possessed certain qualities that she lacked, which made her feel safer and more protected. Marilyn was aware of the imbalance in their relationship. She was seeking qualities in others that she felt she lacked herself..

Kalyn Garcia (English 201) - from her sixties research essay, "Marilyn Monroe: Hollywood’s Iconic Symbol of Glamour and Tragedy"

Quote sandwich - weightlifting - brian chavez.docx - brain lifting - wide shot - brown

One day my friend Yonjairo invited me to workout with him, since he was training to compete in a weight lifting competition. This was a great chance for me to see if I would be able to keep up with his training and learn about different exercises. I got to meet his trainer when I arrived at the gym; he was really nice and I got to learn so much from him. Everyone that has seen me lift heavy at the gym is always surprised because I’m not a big-looking person. So when the trainer saw me keeping upwith the heavy weighst my friend was pumping, he was very surprised. Once we started to get into the heavier weights I knew I was going to hit my limit soon but the trainer told me, “Your mind is the strongest and most valuable muscle you can grow in the gym” (Plitt). He explained to me that if you believe and tell yourself that you can do it and think of the weight being light you will be able to lift it. Still to this day I still think that at a gym you don’t just grow your body muscles but you also grow your mind. You convince yourself that you can do it and push yourself to break your limits. This idea has helped me reach many goals, weight lifting records, and has given motivation and courage to many of my friends that also lift weights. ..

Brian Chavez (English 201) - from his definition essay, "Lifting Your Spirits"

Classification essay - football fans

JAY'S CLASSIFICATION ESSAY PROJECT: Classification is simply about breaking down a topic into its subgroups A classification essay will then take each of those subgroups and describe how it is the same and different from other subgroups. What makes for an interesting classification essay? It all begins with the choice of topic to classify. This semester we made it personal. To see student work, please click on the links below.

Quote sandwich - jazmin v. - animation - spiderman - wide above city

Looking into the world of animation, one movie in particular always comes to mind, that's Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse. It's no ordinary movie. It's no ordinary computer animated movie either. This film brings together so many different medias and styles of art and animation. The creators of this movie wanted it to be something new and to stand out on its own: "Don't emulate reality, and don't make it a cartoon," says Head of Character Animation Josh Beveridge. Co-director Phil Lord also said, "If you freeze any part of the movie at any time, it will look like an illustration with hand-drawn touches and all" (Snyder). Isn't that just brilliant! Even in computer animation, the use of traditional animation is used to give it a traditional print comic-book style. Many "old-school" techniques were used in this film, such as smearing to create the sense of motion and using twos, which means they kept the same image on screen for two frames. This helped give it, as animators would describe, a "crunchy" feel to it. And they layered 2D ink lines on top of the 3D art to give the characters more of a hand-drawn look. Some would say that this film is the beginning of a new age of animation, and I certainly agree. All these techniques combined helped bring to life a film that stood out from all animated films, perhaps for all time!

Jazmin Valenzuela (English 1A) - from her classification essay, "The The Beauty of Animation"

Quote sandwich - turntable experience - andromeda

I would often hear from my father, my mother, and peers say to me that vinyl and record players are useless in this generation. Sure it can be, but I think otherwise. Record players are magnificent as it is an old, vintage technology that consists of a needle and a turntable that are able to produce a rich and crisp sound of your favorite albums, artists, and bands! There are other listening technology formats such as MP3's, our smart phones, bluetooth, etc. , but it doesn't match up to the quality of sound and vibe of how a record player would emit. "It is a physical experience in itself," said my sister (Alvarez). I agree with this statement of hers. You have to physically take out your record and place it onto the record player. Once that needle hits the grooves, you would be astonished of how a piece of a metal gliding against all the indents from a piece of plastic is somehow playing music. It is in fact emitted by the vibrations that are sensed by the stylus and then transformed into an electrical signal. A crazy and odd concept for sure, but it is all so interesting to me. A bonus of owning a record player, you are able to grow a record collection! !

Andromeda Olivares (English 1A) - from her classification essay, "The Unique Appeal of Record Players"

Elton john - yellow brick road - karen b - snip

Music has a unique place in our lives and with just one song you can create a lot of good, bad, and sad memories. It has been said that music possesses a healing power, and an ability to transport people and disconnect them from their struggles and concerns. Music is more than mere entertainment or a collection of sounds and lyrics; rather, it has the ability to lift our spirits, allowing us to escape from the world and our problems and takes ourselves into a world of peacefulness and happiness. . Elton John once said, “Music has healing power. It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours” (Shearer). Human life is often featured with a lot of stressors, anxiety, and moments of sadness, during these times the power of music becomes more evident. While facing personal issues, societal pressures, or physical discomfort, people may find solace in the rhythms or lyrics of music. This quote gives some kind of idea of the impact music has on human beings. Music makes us feel less alone and let us express and connect our emotions withmothers and even ourselves.

Karen Barajas (English 201) - from her definition essay, "Music to Cure Your Heart"

Itzel g - frida - very wide shot

Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera had a complex relationship that spanned over 25 years. They were both Mexican artists and painted each other's portraits during their marriage. Frida loved Diego for his inspiration and help with her career. Diego also respected Frida’s piece of mind and accepted her as she was. Their works provide us with an insight into the complexities of their relationship. Like every relationship there are always fights and arguments. . Frida once said to a friend, “There have been two great accidents in my life. One was the trolley, and the other was Diego. Diego was by far the worst” (Dawson). When Frida was a a teen-ager, she suffered serious spine injury in a horrific trolley accident. Later, after marrying Diego, she suffered through Diego sexual affairs outside their marriage. When she recognized Cristina, her sister, was one of all of the women Diego was sleeping with, she began to represented her heartbreak through her painting.

Itzel Granados (English 110) - from her film history research paper, "Frida Kahlo: Life of Struggle and Success"

Selena - grafitti on the wall - wide - cropped

Born in Texas being a woman and living in poverty, Selena lived a rambunctious life. At a very early age, Selena would sing or listen to music; it was all around her. But being like many Mexican Americans, her story has been persistent struggle to break out of the usual poverty of her working-class family. Although, being born into a poor family didn't keep Selena and the Quintanilla family from their love for music. She was kind and outgoing, she was very social, but she also had a deeper side that wasn't always apparent. When asked in an interview how she wanted to be remembered, Selena explained, “As not only an entertainer, but as a person who cared a lot. And I gave the best that I could. And I tried to be the best role model that I possibly could, and the best person that I could. And I tried to help out" (Rodriguez). Selena was The Queen of Tejano Music, and she also had a heart of gold. After going through many interviews of Selena, she never took ownership of her success. She would always refer to "we" as in her band, friends, supporters and others who got to where she is. The way she keeps saying "WE" just shows how selfless and loving and loyal she was. However, Selena's unexpected passing in 1995 at the age of just 23 shocked the world and left her fans in ruins. Her reputation and standing somehow became stronger with time. She rose to fame as the pioneer of the Latin pop crossover genre. In the years following Selena's passing, the public's adoration for her has not diminished.

Britteny Palma (English 1A) - from her film history research paper, "Selena Quintanilla-Perez: The Short Life and Sad Serenade of a Latina Icon"

Jose escalera - desmond doss- photo album

Conscientious objector and real-life American hero Desmond Doss worked as a combat medic in World War II. His incredible bravery and dedication to his beliefs are what made him famous, and they also helped him win the Medal of Honor, the highest military honor bestowed by the United States. Before arriving to Okinawa, Desmond Doss would say, "While everyone else is taking life, I'm gonna be saving it" (Blair). He says that as one of the most known conscious objector in history. He refused to carry a weapon while being a combat medic and was able to save the lives of 75 U.S soldiers. Desmond Doss, a devoted Seventh-day Adventist, declined to carry a weapon or take part in conflict out of respect for his firmly held religious convictions and dedication to non-violence. Despite this, he had a great sense of obligation to work as a doctor for his country.

Jose Escalera (English 110) - from his film history research paper, "Desmond Doss: American Hero"

Film history research project - I love my historical movies

JAY'S FILM HISTORY RESEARCH PROJECT: This semester I asked my students to explore the real-life drama behind their favorite historical films. Students compared what they saw on the screen to what they researched in the campus databases. The result was a five-to-eight page MLA-formatted reseach paper. Above are three film history topics selected by past students: The Murder of Selena, The Sinking of the Titanic, Jackie Robinson Breaks the Color Barrier. To see student work, please click on the links below.


JAY'S BLOGS OUT OF THE PAST: Each semester, I worry for the isolation of my students in our online classes. College should be about interaction. My goal for my students is to develop important interpersonal skills that will spur their growth in the classroom and the professional world. Hopefully, the writing activities I design will help them develop the confidence to collaborate with others and deepen their participation in their own communities. In my online classes, students share their work on our class discussion boards; they discuss the challenges of writing, encourage each other, and share their ideas. The result each semester is the creation of a new classrroom blog. Below, you can see the Blogs Out of Our Past. Our writing brings us closer together. To see past student work, please CLICK on the IMAGE of each BLOG below.

Jay's summer of love research dictionary - banner - snip
Blogs - past - snip - pretty things
Jay's Film History Research Festival - Banner - Snip
Blogs past - research trip - snip
Blogs - past - ivc borderline journal
Blogs - past - museum of college writing
Jay's mvp - coffee cup - cherie

JAY'S SEMESTER READING MVPs: Yeah, yeah, we do a lot of WRITING, but we also do a lot of READING. For our Final Exam I ask my students to choose their MVP - Most Valuable Part - of their semester reading: an idea, a scene, a character, a quotation, an event, a description, an author....THEY CHOOSE. I grade them on their ability to make their MVP argument. This is the cool part: There is no right or wrong position in a student’s vote for MVP. There is no concrete definition for “valuable.” It can be the best part. It can be the worst part. Maybe it’s a character the reading could not do without. Maybe it’s an event that changed everything. Maybe it’s an idea no one speaks about in class, but it may be most important to us all. I’m most happy with the diversity of choices my students make. To see a few of Yours Truly's past picks, please read below.

Sandra cisneros - only daughter - jam

JAY'S MVP PICKS: SANDRA CISNEROS. We begin the semester with a few Sandra Cisneros stories and essays. I look at Sandra as a Strong Woman. She grew up as the only daughter in a family of six sons. The only thing her father wanted from her was to get married and have a family. Her brothers ignored her. Sandra rose above all that. She left the house at a time young Mexican women never did that. She did what she wanted to do – became a successful writer. She’s a tough Latina. Back then, you heard little from or about women writers of color. Sandra changed all that. Her writing opened doors for other women. SANDRA IS A CHINGONA!


JAY'S MVP PICKS: “THE LOVE OF MY LIFE.” This short story depicts a pure, unadulterated teen-age love affair that goes horribly bad. In the beginning, it’s real. Jeremy lives for China, China lives for Jeremy, and author T.C. Boyle writes, “They wore each other like socks.” They both are highly intelligent, compassionate, respectful high school seniors with bright futures, that is until China becomes pregnant. On a romantic camping trip, the two star-crossed lovers forgot to bring enough condoms, and nine months later, China’s pregnancy leads to a disastrous decision when in a moment of fear and desperation, she pleads Jeremy to abandon the newborn baby in a motel dumpster. This act changes everything, for upon their subsequent arrests, the two lovers are separated and turn on each other. China agrees to testify against Jeremy in a murder trial. From that point on, they would forever be strangers. (paraphrase:) Any time Jeremy tried to picture his girlfriend in his mind, it would be “blacked-out” by what came out of her. How can they ever look at each other the same way? The only thing they shared were the electronic bracelets around their ankles. WITHOUT TRUST, THERE WILL NEVER BE LOVE. IT'S OVER.

Jay's connie analysis

JAY'S MVP PICKS: "CONNIE'S VULNERABILITY.” In the Joyce Carol Oates' short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Connie probably is like a lot of teenagers we once knew in high school: she thinks she knows more than everyone. In this story, that tragically will become just not the case. Her beauty gives her a sense of power, but her attitude makes her vulnerable. Clearly, she doesn’t have the maturity to handle complex challenges. In the end, she realizes she doesn’t have the strength she thought she had to resist, push back, and/or fight for herself. She is going to be raped or murdered. The last thing she hears is a lyric from Bob Dylan’s song “It’s All Over, Baby Blue." CONNIE WILL NEVER BECOME THE YOUNG WOMAN SHE HAD ALWAYS DREAMED OF.

Soundtrack - banner - jay's playlist -red

JAY'S SEMESTER READING MVP SOUNDTRACK SELECTIONS: UNA COSA MAS! When students are done with their MVP selections, they contribute a song for our class soundtrack to represent their choice. They THINK: Hip-Hop - Gangstah Rap - Musica Nortena- Classic Rock- Heavy Metal! They MATCH their LYRICS with TEXT from their Reading Selection. I ask them: How are they going to justify their song? Where did they find it? Why should we care? I hope they will enjoy MIXING and MATCHING their MUSIC with their READING. It's a fun way to conclude our semester. It is for me! Over the years, I've found that the more you put into this activity, the more you get out of it. Funny how it works that way. To see student work, please click on the links below. (To follow, I have provided student sample excerpts.)

Nicki m - charles b - most beautiful woman - pareja

Nicki Minaj's "Last Time I Saw You" in Charles Buwkowski's “The Most Beautiful Woman in Town" - MVP Soundtrack Excerpt from Angelica Garcia.

Towards the end of the short story “The Most Beautiful Woman in Town” Bukowski gets the news of Cassie’s suicide and he is just shocked and full of remorse. He says how he still felt she could walk through those doors while he sat at the bar where they first met and continued to meet. On his way home all he could keep thinking was how he should have insisted her to stay with him since he had offered her to “shack” with him and she denied him. The last day they had spent together was the day before she killed herself but also the day they had reconciled after he was gone for six months. That night at the bar she went over to his place and as she started taking off her clothes he saw a scar she had made across her throat. He told her to stop ruining herself because she was the most alive woman he’d ever met. They proceeded to make love after this but he noticed how he felt her tears and low cry. This was the scene that inspired me to choose this song for these lyrics: “Ignored the hints or I missed it, I killed it, you’d always be in attendance.” He feels devastated for not reading her suicidal signs and becomes paranoid about what could have happened if he wouldn’t have left her those months.

Mitski - sandra - pareja

Mitski's "Your Best American Girl" in Sandra Cisneros's "Only Daughter" - MVP Soundtrack Argument Excerpt from Adromeda Olivares

Sandra Cisneros, the only daughter in a family of seven children, is my MVP. She has served as a poet, essayist, novelist, and writer of short stories. In "Only Daughter," she draws attention to the difficulties of growing up alone in a Mexican-American family and describes her struggle to receive acknowledgment/validation from her father who seemed to prefer/value his sons over her. A song I chose for her was by the Japanese-American artist that goes by the name,"Mitski." The song is called "Your Best American Girl." Sandra believed she wasn't good enough for her father or anything in general because she was the only girl in her family. Mitski's song reflects the change she made in her own life in order to fit one's approval and love.

Midland - dr. lyman - pareja

Midland's "Drinkin' Problem" in William Inge's Bus Stop - MVP Soundtrack Argument Excerpt from Jose Escalera

In the play Bus Stop, Dr. Lyman's alcoholism causes him to act erratically and occasionally inappropriately. He frequently uses alcohol as a form to escape from his problems, trying to drown his sorrows in it. Despite his brilliance and prior academic success, he has a serious drinking problem that has negatively impacted his relationships and quality of life. Likewise, Midland's song "Drinking Problem" tells the story of a person who acknowledges his struggle with alcohol and the consequences it brings to his life. Despite recognizing the negative impact of his drinking habit, he finds it difficult to break away from it. The lyrics capture the inner conflict and self-awareness of someone dealing with addiction, regret, and the realization that they might have a "drinkin' problem." Dr. Lyman's character is complex, reflecting the consequences of his alcohol addiction and his attempts to grapple with his past.

Taylor - joyce carol - black hair - pareja

Taylor Swifts "Wildest Dreams" in Joyce Carol Oates' “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”- MVP Soundtrack Argument Excerpt from Kalyn Garcia...

The song “Wildest Dreams” by Taylor Swift captures the essence of youthful desire and the allure of the unknown. It was released in 2014 as part of her album “1989” and has this nostalgic vibe to it. The main message of Taylor’s song "Wildest Dreams" is about longing for a love that feels like a dream. It expresses the need for a love that is temporary yet still leaves a lasting impression. It also explores the bittersweet emotions that come with falling in love and the desire to hold onto those strong feelings. I could hear this in the background of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates. This song relates to Connie’s story and contains prominent themes that are in her journey. Just like Connie, the lyrics of "Wildest Dreams" depict a willingness to explore new experiences. Through this, we can draw a parallel between Connie's desire for adventure and the song's dreamy, romantic atmosphere. In the context of Connie's story, the song connects to her desire for excitement and adventure. Connie is drawn to the mysterious Arnold Friend. He is the one who represents the unknown and the danger. "Wildest Dreams" reflects Connie's longing for an exciting love story, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone and dealing with the consequences. Taylor Swift’s song adds meaning to the reading by emphasizing the themes of youthful desire, the allure of the unknown, and the consequences of pursuing our wildest dreams without thinking. As a result, we gain a greater understanding of Connie's motivations and struggles, as well as the emotional depth of the story.

Love of my life - smiths - depressed teen - in bed

The Smiths “This Night Has Opened My Eyes” in T.C. Boyle's "The Love of My Life" - by Ari Williams

In "The Love of My Life," Jeremy is lost in the world of first love and first breaths. Jeremy is a young man who has always been optimistic for his future. He excelled in high school enough to get into an Ivy League college and the same one his father graduated from at that. The reader gets the gist that Jeremy is a bit of a people pleaser. He wants to make everyone he loves proud of him. He is described as your typical nice guy: "...the voice of a nice guy, a very nice guy who could be the star of a TV show about nice guys." Jeremy was too nice, and it ended up getting him in trouble. Sometimes we must upset people we love to do the right thing and Jeremy chose approval over the rest of his life. Instantly when Professor Lewenstein announced we will be choosing a song to pair with a piece we have read in class my mind ran to “This Night Has Opened My Eyes” by The Smiths. The sad chords paired with the undertone of child abandonment and unwanted pregnancy. The subject matter fell right into my lap. The lyrics are at the point of view of a pensive person who is regretting and or unsettled about the decision that was made. This reminds me of Jeremy, as he was coerced into the decisions, he made that will affect his life forever.

Sade - geraldo - pareja

Sade's "Immigrant" in Sandra Cisneros's "Geraldo No Last Name" - MVP Soundtrack Argument Excerpt from Joe Anthony-Montoya

Geraldo, an immigrant that wanted a normal life, is my MVP. Geraldo is a young immigrant with a mysterious past. A quiet and reserved person, with a sense of vulnerability. Geraldo's appearance is not extensively detailed in the story, but his tragic fate serves as a poignant reminder of the struggles faced by many immigrants in search of a better life. "Immigrant" by Sade is a fitting song to represent Geraldo. The song explores the experiences and emotions of being an immigrant, which aligns with Geraldo's story as a young immigrant facing challenges and ultimately meeting a tragic fate. The lyrics and the soulful tone of the song capture the resilience, longing, and sense of belonging that immigrants often experience. It's a powerful choice that resonates with Geraldo's journey. “Isn't it just enough? How hard it is to live.” He was left to die; no surgeon ever came to help him live. Geraldo's reason in the story is to serve as a symbol representing the struggles and hardships faced by immigrants. Geraldo's tragic fate highlights the vulnerability and invisibility of many immigrants in society. Through Geraldo's story, Cisneros raises awareness about the often overlooked experiences of immigrants and encourages empathy and understanding towards their plight.

Sting - joyce carol oates -snip - pareja

The Police "Don't Stand So Close to Me" in Joyce Carol Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" - MVP Soundtrack Excerpt from Noelee Cortez

"Don't Stand So Close to Me" by The Police delves into the taboo subject of a teacher-student relationship, conveying a message that explores the consequences and complexities of such connections. Sting, the songwriter and lead vocalist, draws from his own experiences as a teacher to narrate the story of a protagonist grappling with temptation and societal norms. One can discern the tension and unease depicted through the lyrics and musical composition. The repeated plea of "Don't stand so close to me" encapsulates the struggle with forbidden desires and the repercussions of crossing ethical boundaries. The narrative unfolds through a lens of discomfort and awareness, highlighting the emotional toll of inappropriate relationships. Connecting this song to Joyce Carol Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" reveals a thematic parallel. Both the song and the story touch on the dark aspects of interpersonal relationships, with the song addressing the consequences of breaching societal norms, mirroring the predatory behavior depicted in Oates' narrative. The song adds meaning to the reading by reinforcing the exploration of power dynamics, manipulation, and the dangers inherent in certain relationships. The connection lies in the shared theme of societal taboos, enhancing the reader's understanding of the emotional and psychological complexities explored in "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?"

Sienna - lana del rey - marilyn monroeCapture

Lana Del Rey's "Get Free" in William Inge's Bus Stop - MVP Soundtrack Argument Excerpt from Bella Diaz.

Lana Del Rey's "Get Free" represents Cheri's situation in Bus Stop. "Get Free" is about Lana Del Rey's journey from being closed off, scared to get hurt, and letting other people decide everything for her. She eventually takes back control of her life, just like Cherie. She gets to make all the decisions in her life and Bo gets to pressure her into anything she does not want to do. She only does things on HER time, like when she finally decides to be with Bo. Lana Del Rey's "Get Free" represents Cheri's situation in Bus Stop. "Get Free" is about Lana Del Rey's journey from being closed off, scared to get hurt, and letting other people decide everything for her. She eventually takes back control of her life, just like Cherie. She gets to make all the decisions in her life and Bo gets to pressure her into anything she does not want to do. She only does things on HER time, like when she finally decides to be with Bo. My MVP is Cherie in Bus Stop. With all of the different characters in the story, she is undoubtedly the main character in my opinion, although she is not in every scene. The story starts with her being conveyed as this damsel in distress, but she morphs into a strong woman that knows what she wants. She will not let anyone walk over or disrespect her. Her respect for herself is admirable. She has big dreams and will not let anyone get in the way of them. Despite Bo's arrogance throughout the story, she eventually is willing to forgive him and see his true and genuine intentions that were masked by his obsessive passion for her. When she really decides to look at his heart and see that he loves her for her, she pushes her ego aside and lets him love her under the conditions that he respects her. This situation can be seen in different ways. Does Cherie develop Stockholm syndrome? After all, Bo did try to kidnap her. I can see why some readers may see this as a form of disrespect to herself to give Bo a chance. Regardless, Cherie is a strong feminine lead with big aspirations. Whether or not she allowed Bo to carry her Montana, she will still stop at nothing to reach her big dreams







